You Probably Don't Care What I Think, But...
Join Trista, Sam, and Lexi as they discuss all the things they love, such as; true crime, unsolved mysteries, conspiracy theories, paranormal activity, aliens (and cookies!) in their just for fun podcast.
You Probably Don't Care What I Think, But...
5.Haunted:The Sallie House
Trista Guttormson, Samantha Osterbrink, Alexis Lawrence
Episode 5
Happy Spooktober!
We're kicking this off with one of Lexi's favorite topics...creepy houses!
If you want to watch the #GhostAdventures episode referenced (many times lol) in this podcast...it's Season 9, Episode 8.
Want to see "adorable" Sallie? Click here --->https://www.buggedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Sallie-sketch.jpg
Want to visit the Sallie House? (girl...you crazy) click here ---> https://visitatchison.com/highlight/sallie-house